
Industrial designs

An industrial design is the appearance of the whole or part of a product that derives from the special characteristics of lines, color, shape, texture, or material of the product.
An industrial design is the appearance of the whole or part of a product that derives from the special characteristics of lines, color, shape, texture, or material of the product.
There are two requirements for registering designs: A design has to be new, ie, that no other identical has been accessible to the public; and it has to have singular character, that is to say, that it has to produce in the user a new and a different reaction to that produced by any other design already in the market.
In the registration of an industrial design a single application is valid for multiple designs of the same class.
Designs are granted for periods of five years from their application date and may be extended for a maximum period of twenty-five years.
The protection of a design can be national, have effect throughout the European Union, or at an international level.



+34 91 352 40 47



Urb. Montepríncipe. Paseo de los Sauces 14-22. 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) ESPAÑA.

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